This website discusses the use of new voting technologies from a legal perspective. Continue reading
Rapport zurichois La votation fédérale du 3 mars 2013 fût l’occasion pour quelques 152’000 électeurs dans onze cantons de voter par internet. Quelques jours après le Conseil fédéral autorisait 12 cantons à faire du vote par internet lors de la … Continue reading
I am pleased to announce that Jordi Barrat, professor of constitutional law at the Rovira i Virgili University (Spain) and renowned specialist of e-voting joins electoralpractice. Jordi is the author of several studies on the compliance of e-voting systems with … Continue reading
The Council of Europe’s Recomendation Rec2004(11): a brief recapitulation The Recommendation Rec(2004)11 of the Council of Europe on legal, operational and technical standards on e-voting already has almost a decade of life. Its broad scope encompasses both internet voting procedures and … Continue reading
Election forensics A recently published virtual issue on election fraud and electoral integrity [Ines Levin and Michael Alvarez Publishers] assembles recent research on the use of mathematical methods to detect fraud in elections. The papers are made available for free … Continue reading
Evaluating the past, preparing the future Internet voting continues to be the driving force in electoral practice digitization. Since May 2006 when the federal Government (federal Council) published its second report on internet voting recommending its gradual introduction, trials with … Continue reading
Better understanding the system Transparency is becoming an increasingly important issue for the public and the electoral authorities. Recent federal and cantonal laws on transparency of the activities of the administrations, as well as a certain degree of suspition towards … Continue reading
Striking a balance between prohibition and liberalization of internet voting Nothing summarizes better the contradictory feelings towards introducing internet voting than developments in Canton Vaud. A few years ago a motion signed by cantonal MPs from almost all political parties … Continue reading
OSCE/ODIHR Assessment of the 2011 Federal Elections On January 30, 2012 the OSCE/ODIHR, published its election assessment mission report on the federal elections that took place on October 23, 2011. The report highlighted the vitality of the Swiss democracy and … Continue reading