Selected publications
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “The future of voting. How ICT impacts voting and what to do about it?” Research paper for the Institute of European Democrats, 2022
- Ardita Driza Maurer, Justin Nettmann, Rafik Grigoryan, Use of innovative technologies in the electoral process in Armenia, in Robert Krimmer et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting E-Vote-ID 2021, 5-8 October 2021, pp. 320-333
- Ardita Driza Maurer, Contribution à la consultation concernant la révision partielle de l’ODP et la révision totale de l’OVotE (restructuration de la phase d’essai), du 18 août 2021
- Ardita Driza Maurer sur mandat du Conseil de l’Europe, Digital technologies in elections. Questions, lessons learned, perspectives, English version; Ukranian version; 2020
- Nadja Braun Binder, Ardita Driza Maurer, “The impact of pan-european general principles of good administration on Swiss law – between exemplary reception of the ECHR and frictions due to direct democracy”, in U. Stelkens and A. Andrijauskaité (Eds.), Good Administration and the Council of Europe – Law, Principles and Effectiveness, Oxford University Press 2020, pp. 353-374
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “European Legal Standards on E-voting”, in A. Brändli, G. Vale (Eds.) Going Digital? Citizen Participation and the Future of Direct Democracy, Schwabe Verlag, 2020, pp. 233-244
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “The Swiss Post/Scytl Transparency Exercise and its possible Impact on Internet Voting Regulation“, in R. Krimmer et al. (Eds.): E-Vote-ID 2019, LNCS 11759, pp. 83–99, 2019
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “E-voting source code publication: a good practice becomes a legal requirement“, in Jusletter IT 26. September 2018
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “Updated European Standards for E-voting. The Council of Europe Recommendation Rec(2017)5 on Standards for E-voting“, in R. Krimmer et al. (Eds.): E-Vote-ID 2017, LNCS 10615, pp. 146–162, 2017
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “The European Standards Applicable to Innovative Services in Electoral Processes“, report for Venice Commission, International Conference Innovative Services and Effective Electoral Operations, Borjomi, Georgia, 27-27 Feb.2017
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “New Technologies, Inescapable but Challenging“, Keynote to the First Scientific Electoral Experts Debates, Bucharest, 12-13 April 2016, Proceedings of the Conference
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “Legality, Separation of Powers, Stability of Electoral Law : the Impact of New Voting Technologies“, First Scientific Electoral Experts Debates, Bucharest, 12-13 April 2016, Proceedings of the Conference
- Ardita Driza Maurer, “Update of the Council of Europe Recommendation on Legal, Operational and Technical Standards for E-Voting – a Legal Perspective“, Proceedings of IRIS 2016
- Ardita DRIZA MAURER, Jordi BARRAT (Editors), “E-Voting Case Law: A Comparative Analysis”, Ashgate 2015 and Routledge 2017; Extract from chapter 1, “E-Voting: What Do Judges Say?”
- Ardita DRIZA MAURER, “Internet Voting and Federalism: The Swiss Case” in Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado, issue 13 July 2013 as well as in Jordi Barrat i Esteve (Coord.), “El Voto Electrónico y sus Dimensiones Jurídicas: Entre la Ingenua Complacencia y el Rechazo Precipitado“, Iustel, 2016 (Table of content)
- Ardita Driza Maurer, Scope and format of the update of the Council of Europe Recommendation on Legal, Operational and Technical Standards for E-Voting, Report to the Council of Europe, Ad-hoc Committee of Experts on E-Voting (CAHVE). See also the Executive Summary.
- Ardita DRIZA MAURER, “Ten Years Council of Europe Rec(2004)11 – Lessons learned and outlook“, in Krimmer, R., Volkamer, M.: Proceedings of Electronic Voting 2014 (EVOTE2014), TUT Press, Tallinn, p. 111-117
- Ardita DRIZA MAURER, “Report on the possible update of the Council of Europe Recommendation Rec(2004)11 on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting“